Monday, December 12, 2011

Pre-Birth: The 9 (really, 10) months of Pregnancy

I thought it would be appropriate, even if not completely fair, to start the competition at its earliest possible stage - Laura's pregnancy.  At that point we had:

Caden = a monster?


 Seriously?  How can you beat that?!

Well, it seems pretty obvious who's going to win this one.  But if that wasn't enough, lets see what else happened during Laura's pregnancy (fyi - for those that haven't been there yet and therefore don't know, apparently a full-term prego is 10 months, not the 9 we all hear about in grade school.  Thanks for the advance notice, as if the gestation period wasn't long enough already.  Not that anyone randomly decided to lengthen the period, but it felt that way.  On the other hand, are we not sure that evolution didn't just increase it from 9 to 10 months?  'Cause I was really sure everyone said it was 9 months until we found out Laura was pregnant).

The pregnancy period was pretty much Kallie's to lose.  I mean, unborn and unnamed Caden, really didn't and couldn't do much to impress, but he did find many ways cause problems.  Lets see:
  • Laura had months of acid reflux (i.e. I got to run all over the house at various hours looking for the TUMs)
  • No drinking for mom = less drinking and more guilt when drinking for dad.  This also resulted in zero sympathy for hangovers, so guess who got to walk the dog at 8 am after a night of drinking?
  • An absurd number of pee breaks.  I believe we counted 17 in one day.  How do you go to the bathroom before leaving the house and have to pee as soon as you're out the door?  Has anyone invented a handheld portable toilet?
  • Random hip and back pains for mom
  • Food cravings (there is actually some upside here since I got to indulge as well)
  • No drinking!!  Makes it difficult to attend the beer festival!
  • Need for regular naps - what about all the chores?
  • Spending lots of money in preparation - that can't be right
  • Stress over picking a name
  • No drinkin!!$%!!@!!! GAH!
Really Cade?  That's all you could contribute?  Not even a smile in that crazy ultrasound picture...

Now, Kallie on the other hand....BAM:

Let me out, pwease?



Whatever, I'm comfortable.

Kallie even took time out of her busy day to check-on mommy and make sure everything was okay:

Did I just feel something move?
She's currently training for her medical degree.  Sure, Kallie did have some not so good moments (i.e. eating a pillow, sock, shoe or drywall), but they really don't add up enough to merit consideration at this time.

So after careful consideration, I think the winner for this contest is clear - Kallie by a landslide.  To Kallie goes the first point, giving us an initial score of:

Puppy: 1   Baby: 0

- Papasaurus

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