Thursday, December 22, 2011

A non-sequitor: A new contender!

Its probably a little early to get distracted, but I'm easily distracted, so oh well.  My affection for Cade and Kallie should be fairly apparent from this blog, but after last week, I think I have a new contender to vie for my attention.  I'm referring to the fried chicken at Federal Donuts in south Philly.  I can't help but think that within one week, I experienced perhaps two of the greatest days of my life - the birth of my son and tasting Federal Donuts' fried chicken.  If categorizing those things together sounds ridiculous, then go try the chicken!  Now, right now!  Get up and go to 2nd and Federal St, and order the fried chicken....they stop selling chicken some time between 1 and 2 pm so, you might not want to go right now, but as soon as possible.  Do it!

I'm not a big fried chicken fan, in fact I don't particular care for it, and rarely enjoy it for a meal.  However, after hearing all the over-the-top reviews, I felt compelled to give it a shot.  When I finally got there early in the afternoon, I order the "Harissa" flavored chicken to go - its spozed to have a little spicy kick to it. 

When I got home and opened the box the smell was overwhelming.  The chicken had an appropriate amount of fried goodness on each piece.  But it was the first bite that won me over - I was immediately hooked like a crack-addicted dumpster baby (that was a good always sunny episode eh).  The chicken was perfectly juicy and tender.  The chicken flavor exploded into my mouth like Cade cannonballing out of Laura (perhaps not the most appetizing analogy, but I'm not a food critic, so whatever). 

I was reminded of the scene from the movie Ratatouille when the evil critic tries the ratatouille and is transported back to a defining moment from his childhood.  Although I experienced no such transcendent moment, I instead started hyperventilating and projectile drooling, as I tried to describe the indescribable flavors to Laura, who, in perhaps the single worst decision ever made by anyone, refused to try the chicken.  So there we were, me drooling over the chicken, Kallie drooling on the floor while dreaming of getting a piece of the chicken, and Caden vomiting up all over Laura. 

How'd she get there?

So, I thought I should compare the contributions of Cade and Kallie against the new contender, fried chicken.  The fried chicken left my stomach and taste-buds comfortably full and extremely satisfied.  It gave me fairly greasy hands though they were easily cleaned.  The addiction may also prove to be problematic and fattening but we'll need more time to see how that plays out.  On the other hand, fried chicken has not used our house as a bathroom or otherwise required any changing.  It doesn't wake up crying throughout the night, require frequent walks or lay all over the furniture.  Fried chicken also doesn't need an endless supply of accessories. 
Did I just poop my pants?

Change me...pwease?

Wake me up in an hour.

The point goes to fried chicken!  Fried chicken probably won't make appearances regular appearances, so we will just consider it an honorary point to emphasize its greatness.  Federal Donuts fried chicken - the best thing ever (other than Cade and Kallie, maybe).
Elitist bastards selling out of tasty chicken!
Kallie: 2  Cade: 1  Fried Chicken: 1

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