Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Mother’s Tale: Not the Milkman’s Son

When you have a baby, the first thing everyone does when they meet the baby is try to decide who the baby most resembles: Mom or Dad. I believe every parent hopes that they are the “winner” of this great debate. Over the past 5 weeks, I have looked at my new son very closely to determine how he is like both Pete and me. I have discovered that my little boy, whom I carried for 39 weeks, gave up my beloved Guinness for, and gained XX lbs. for, is NOTHING like me. If the situation was reversed, and he was nothing like his father, people would have started speculating who the father really is by now. But it is very clear. I gave birth to Cade, and Pete is definitely the father. Here is a list of some of the similarities between my sweet Cade and his daddy:

1. Looks – Just look at him! He is a mini-Pete. Same mouth, nose, and thinning hair (just kidding, Pete! Sort of…). The only main difference is that Cade’s head is only in the 25th percentile (thank God for me!), while it is widely believed that Pete’s is in the 99th percentile.

2. Clothing Supervision – Pete always brags that it only takes him five minutes to get ready to go out at night. However, he almost always has a mini meltdown when he has to pick out a shirt to wear. I end up having to supervise this experience so he doesn’t give up and wear his gray hoodie. Although Cade doesn’t have a meltdown over clothing decisions, he also needs Mommy’s assistance when picking out his outfit which he inevitably throws up on and needs to be changed before we leave the house….which then leads to Mommy’s meltdown. :(

3. Indigestion and Other Stomach Problems – Gas. Ugh. Why do men and babies have so much gas?! I once watched an episode of “Myth Busters” where they concluded that women and men produce the same amount of gas. I call B.S. on this one. Cade is constantly burping and farting all day long. The other day, he actually burped, farted, hiccupped, and spit-up all at the same time! What did Pete say to this? “Wow, that’s talent!” Pete is also known for his gas “talent.” Back in 2005 when the Eagles played the Patriots in the SuperBowl, a group of friends decided to watch the game in a bar in Philadelphia. What did Pete carry to the bar in his pocket? A flask of
alcohol perhaps? Nope, it was a regular sized bottle of Maloxx.

4. Sleep – Have you ever heard the expression “He could sleep through a bomb going off”? Well that’s exactly what I think of when Pete and Cade are sleeping. It’s unbelievable how soundly these two sleep. Pete’s “gift” has allowed him to completely tune out Cade’s cries in the middle of the night (or maybe I am just naïve?). Cade is the same way. When people knock on our front door, they are immediately greeted by a very ferocious sounding dog. I don’t know where this habit came from (sarcasm: it's cousins Bailee and Raven),but it’s terribly loud and annoying. Our next door neighbors probably jump out of their skin, but my Cade does not flinch! In addition to sleeping through very loud noises, they can also sleep in strange places/positions. Please refer to my previous post “A Mother’s Tale: Caden’s Birth” which explains how Pete fell asleep at our senior prom (still bitter about this one). Cade often sleeps across Pete’s body (see picture). He often sleeps the best when he looks the most uncomfortable.

5. Multiple Sneezes – People who know Pete know that he suffers from allergies. Just like potato chips, when Pete sneezes, he can’t just have one. Cade has inherited Pete’s multiple sneeze. I once overheard Pete bragging to Cade that he has the record for multiple sneezes. Jeez, Pete, give him a break! He’s only been practicing for 5 weeks! In case you were wondering, Pete’s record is 5. Cade is following close behind at 4.

6. Overreacting - Pete and Cade have a tendency to overreact in certain situations. For example, Pete went WAY overboard when Cade happened to pee on him while being changed one day. Sure, it was Pete’s first time ever changing a diaper when it happened, but jeez Pete, it wasn’t pee laced with kryptonite! Then there’s Cade. When Cade is hungry, he goes from a sound sleep to a blood curdling wail. Is that really necessary?! Will the milk come out quicker if you wail, little guy? I think not. A simple “rooting reflex” and a light "coo" will get the point across just fine.

So you might think that I am a bit sad that my first born child turned out to be exactly like his father and nothing like me. But I’m not. There’s still a chance he could be a neat freak, guidance counselor, or develop a love of purses and bags like his mother. But even if he doesn’t turn out like me, that’s OK! The way I see it is I chose my husband because I love him for all of his character traits. Aren’t I so lucky that I was sent a little boy with a lot of those same traits! I would say I am one lucky, happy Mommy to have not one, but two wonderful boys in my life. :)

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